(pronounced: plat-ee-kor-EYE-nee)
Orchideae subtribe Habenariinae
Terrestrials. Roots fleshy or tuberous. Stems erect, leafy, unbranched. Inflorescences terminal, few to many-flowered, lax to densely-flowered racemes. Flowers resupinate, usually yellow, orange or greenish. Sepals and petals free, the dorsal sepal and petals appressed forming a hood. Lip unlobed or three-lobed, spurred. Column erect, the anther with parallel locules; pollinia 2, sectile, each with a viscidium.
A genus of up to 25 species from tropical Africa and Madagascar.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow Platycoryne in pots with a rich terrestrial mixture with moisture-retaining components. Provide medium bright light levels, intermediate to cool-intermediate temperatures, and steady watering during the growing season. Taper off watering to a maintenance schedule after flowering.
Fibeck, W. and V. Phiri 1998. Pollination of Platycoryne pervillei. S. Afr. Orchid J. 29(1):11-12.

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