(pronounced: plek-tor-RYE-zah)
Vandeae subtribe Aeridinae
Monopodial epiphytes and lithophytes. Leaves alternate, distichous. Inflorescences few-flowered racemes, arising below a leaf by breaking through the leaf sheath. Flowers cupped. Sepals and petals free. Lip three-lobed, rigidly fused to the column foot, spurred, with a backward projecting frontwall pubescent callus. Column short, stout, with a short foot, the rostellum elongate, bifid, parallel to the column; pollinia 4, in two unequal pairs on a narrowly linear stipe and minute viscidium.
A genus of three species endemic to Australia. Plectorrhiza erecta (Fitzgerald) Dockrill [Cleisostoma erectum Fitzgerald; Sarcanthus erectus (Fitzgerald) Rupp; Sarcochilus erectus (Fitzgerald) Mueller; Sarcochilus tridentatus var. erectus (Fitzgerald) Bai
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow Plectorrhiza on small slabs without any moisture retaining material at the roots or in small baskets suspended at an angle. Provide intermediate temperatures, medium bright light, and frequent watering allowing the roots to fully dry out between waterings. ......................................... P. tridentata
Dockrill, A. W. 1967. Australasian Sarcanthinae. Sydney.
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