
(pronounced: POR-paks)


Podochileae subtribe Eriinae


Miniature epiphytes forming mats of pseudobulbs. Pseudobulbs flattened, round in outline, with sheaths that disintegrate to reveal a matching longitudinal or net-like series of raised ridges. Leaves 2, opposite, deciduous, +/- absent when the plants flower. Inflorescences sessile, terminal, one to few flowered. Flowers tubular, orange-red, barely opening. Sepals fused at the base, the petals free. Lip unlobed to three-lobed, +/- callus. Column short, with a distinct foot; pollinia 4, often with one pair only partially developed.


A genus of 11 species ranging from northeast India (Sikkim) to peninsular Malaysia.

Care and Culture Card

See basic growing conditions and care information below.


Chen, S.-C. and Z.-H. Tsi 1984. The occurrence of Porpax, Callostylis and Acriopsis (Orchidaceae) in China. Acta Bot. Yunnan. 6(3):267-272.

Deori, N. C. 1975(1978). A new species and notes on the genus Porpax Lindl. in India. Bull. Bot. Soc. India 17(1-4):173-176.

Seidenfaden, G. 1977. Contributions to the orchid flora of Thailand, VIII. Bot. Tidsskr. 72(1):1-14.