
(pronounced: por-roh-GLOS-sum)


Epidendreae subtribe Pleurothallidinae. Luer (1988) divided the genus into two subgenera. Subgenus Eduardia Luer is monotypic and contains the somewhat aberrant P. eduardii. All other species are distributed in three sections under subgenus Porroglossum.

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Miniature caespitose epiphytes and terrestrials (trailing in P. eduardii). Leaves solitary per ramicaul, erect, oblanceolate, petiolate. Inflorescences erect (rarely lax), long-scapose, densely-flowered racemes producing solitary flowers successively over time (simultaneously few-flowered in P. eduardii). Flowers small, +/- triangular. Sepals fused at the base forming a tube, acuminate-caudate. Petals smaller than the sepals, oblong, often club-shaped at the apex. Lip unlobed, widest near the apex, with strongly incurved lateral margins, attached by a long curved claw to the back of an elongate column foot, the lip forming an active trap mechanism, the lip springing from a deflexed position to one abutting the column. Column straight, sometimes with paired fang-like stigmatic processes: pollinia 2, pyriform, attached to a common viscidium.


A genus of 30 species native to the Andes of South America from Venezuela to Bolivia.

Care and Culture Card

See basic growing conditions and care information below.


von Bargen, D. 2000. Porroglossum Schltr., Anmerkungen zu einer interessanten Orchideengattung. Die Orchidee 51(1):[034]-[039].

Luer, C. A. 1988. Icones Pleurothallidinarum IV, Systematics of Acostaea, Condylago, and Porroglossum. Monogr. Syst. Bot. 24:1-91.

Ortiz V., P. 1975. Una nueva especie Colombiana de Porroglossum. Orquideologia 10:215-219.

Ortiz V., P. 1976. Un nuevo Porroglossum del Peru. Orquideologia 11:223-239.

Sweet, H. R. 1970. Orquideas andinas poco conocidas, IV. Porroglossum Schltr. Orquideologia 5:155-170.

Sweet, H. R. 1972. The genus Porroglossum. Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 41(6):513-524.

Sweet, H. R. 1973. An orchid genus new to Peru. Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 41(6):513-524.

Sweet, H. R. 1974. Un nuevo Porroglossum de Colombia. Orquideologia 9:127-132.

Sweet, H. R. 1975. Una nueva especie de Porroglossum del Ecuador. Orquideologia 10:211-214.

Turkel, M. and E. A. Christenson 2001. Flipping Lips. Orchids 70(1):14-21.