(pronounced: pray-soh-FILL-um)
Diurideae subtribe Prasophyllinae
Terrestrials arising from basal subterranean tubers. Stems erect. Leaves solitary, hollow. Inflorescences erect, scapose, densely-flowered spicate racemes, the floral bracts inconspicuous. Flowers not resupinate, cupped. Sepals and petals free, spreading. Lip unlobed, with a basal callus. Column stout, with lateral wings; pollinia 2, sectile, on a common hamulus (stipe) and viscidium.
A genus of 65 species endemic to Australia.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow Prasophyllum in small pots with a sandy terrestrial mixture. Provide full light and intermediate to warm temperatures. Water steadily while in growth and taper off the watering to a maintenance level following flowering.
Bates, R. 1984. Pollination of Prasophyllum elatum R. Br. (with notes on associated biology). Orchadian 8(1):14-17. Bates, R. 1989. Prasophyllum calcicola, P. macrostachyum and P. ringens (Orchidaceae): three similar species from western and southern Australia. J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 11:179-187. Bates, R. 1989. Prasophyllum fecundum and P. occultans (Orchidaceae): two new species endemic to South Australia. J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 11:189-194. Bates, R. 1990. Prasophyllum litorale, a new species of orchidaceae from southwestern Victoria and adjacent South Australia. J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 13(1):59-62. Bates, R. and J. Z. Weber 1979. Putative hybrid between Prasophyllum archeri and P. despectans. J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 1(6):357-360. Bates, R. and J. Z. Weber 1980. A putative natural hybrid between Prasophyllum archeri and P. despectans. Orchadian 6(8):188-189. Bernhardt, P. and P. Burns-Balogh 1986. Observations of the floral biology of Prasophyllum odoratum (Orchidaceae, Spiranthoideae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 153:65-76. Clements, M. A. 1983. Notes on the content of John Lindley’s orchid herbarium 2: Prasophyllum. Orchadian 7(10):242-245. Coleman, E. 1933. Pollination of orchids: genus Prasophyllum. Victorian Nat. 49:214-221. Coleman, E. 1934. Pollination of Prasophyllum parviflorum Lindl., The function of the caudicle. Victorian Nat. 51:101-107. Jones, D. L. 1972. The pollination of Prasophyllum alpinum. Victorian Nat. 89:260-263. Jones, D. L. 1972. The self-pollination of Prasophyllum beaugleholei W. H. Nichols. Victorian Nat. 89:144-146. Jones, D. L. 1996. Resolution of the Prasophyllum alpinum R. Br. (Orchidaceae) complex in mainland south-eastern Australia and New Zealand. Muelleria 9:51-62. Jones, D. L. 1996. Prasophyllum odoratissimum, a new species of Orchidaceae from Australia. Orchadian 12(2):52-55. Jones, D. L. 1996. A new name for the Australian orchid Prasophyllum chasmogamum R. Bates & D. L. Jones. Orchadian 12(2):86-87. Jones, D. L. 1997. Prasophyllum canaliculatum, an endangered new species of Orchidaceae from southern New South Wales. Orchadian 12(3):125-127. Jones, D. L. 2000. Ten new species of Prasophyllum R. Br. (Orchidaceae) from South-eastern Australia. Orchadian 13(4):148-173. Jones, D. L. and M. A. Clements 1996. A reassessment of Prasophyllum gracile and P. macrostachyum (Orchidaceae), with the description of P. paulinae, a new species from south-west Western Australia. Nuytsia 10(3):409-418. Rogers, R. S. 1909. A critical review of some south Australian Prasophylla. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. 33:197-222.

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