
(pronounced: reh-strep-ee-EL-lah)


Epidendreae subtribe Pleurothallidinae. Restrepiella has been considered in a broader sense by some authors. However, all but the type species have been removed to Dresslerella and Restrepiopsis.

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Caespitose epiphytes. Ramicauls erect, prominent, subequal to the leaves, with a solitary large central tubular sheath revealing the ramicaul apex and base. Leaves one per ramicaul, very leathery. Inflorescences fascicles near the apex of the ramicaul, concealed by a spathe-like bract. Flowers borne singly in succession, foetid. Dorsal sepal free, the lateral sepals fused for nearly their entire length. Petals free, spreading. Lip unlobed. Column stout, winged, with a prominent, subequal foot; pollinia 4, attached to a common, minute viscidium by short caudicles.


A diminutive of Restrepia, acknowledging superficial similarity.


A monotypic genus ranging from Mexico to Costa Rica.

Care and Culture Card

See basic growing conditions and care information below.


Luer, C. A. 1991. Icones Pleurothallidinarum, VIII. Systematics of Lepanthopsis, Octomeria subgenus Pleurothallopsis, Restrepiella, Restrepiopsis, Salpistele and Teagueia. Monogr. Syst. Bot. 39:1-161.

Sheehan, T. and M. Sheehan 1998. Orchid genera illustrated 181: Restrepiella. Orchids 67(3):258-259.