(pronounced: roh-per-OR-kiss)
Orchideae subtribe Habenariinae
Erect terrestrials from tuberous roots. Stems unbranched, leafy. Leaves narrow, scattered along the stem. Inflorescences terminal, few to many flowered racemes. Flowers resupinate, green. Sepals and petals free, the petals often irregular or toothed. Lip usually three-lobed, with a cylindric spur. Column complex, the two anther chambers divergent, laterally with prominent auricles, the two stigmatic structures each two-lobed, the lower lobes projecting downwards in front of the lip base, the upper lobes erect; pollinia two, sectile.
Named for a Mr. Roeper, with the Greek ending, charis, meaning grace.
A genus of five species restricted to eastern Africa.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow Roeperocharis in pots in a terrestrial mix with added moisture retaining ingredients. Native to swamps and damp grasslands, provide cool temperatures, full light, and constant moisture.

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