(pronounced: silv-OR-kiss)
Gastrodieae subtribe Epipogiinae
Saprophytes arising from a subterranean tuberoid rhizome. Stems erect, slender, rarely branched. Leaves absent. Inflorescences terminal few-flowered racemes. Flowers resupinate, comparatively large. Sepals and petals free, spreading, the petals clawed and partially fused to the column. Lip three-lobed, without a spur or callus. Column dorsally compressed, the stigma large; pollinia 2, each with a caudicle, both attached to a bifid viscidium.
From the Latin silva, meaning forest, and the Greek orchis, meaning orchid, referring to the plant’s native habitat of thick forest.
A monotypic genus endemic to Java.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Silvorchis is an obligate saprophyte and cannot be cultivated.
Comber, J. B. 1990. Orchids of Java. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

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