(pronounced: STALK-ee-ah)
Cranichideae subtribe Spiranthinae
Miniature epiphytes arising from a tuber without additional root system. Leaves rosulate, linear-oblanceolate, persistent. Inflorescences terminal, erect, long-scapose spicate racemes, the floral bracts conspicuous. Flowers tubular. Sepals and petals free, the petals appressed to the dorsal sepal. Lip unlobed, sessile. Column stout, short, without a foot, the rostellum notched; pollinia 2.
Named to honor Galfrid Clement Keyworth Dunsterville, nicknamed “Stalky,” an avid student of Venezuelan orchids.
A monotypic genus endemic to Venezuela.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow Stalkya in small pots of living moss. Provide medium light levels, cool temperatures, and steady watering throughout the year.
Garay, L. A.

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