
(pronounced: TEEG-ee-ah)


Epidendreae subtribe Pleurothallidinae

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Caespitose to trailing-creeping epiphytes (rarely terrestrials). Ramicauls erect-ascending. Leaves solitary, erect, leathery, ovate to elliptic, petiolate. Inflorescences racemes (successively one-flowered in one species). Sepals conspicuous, long acuminate-caudate, the petals minute. Lip thick, fleshy, cordate-auriculate with the basal lobes embracing the column. Column very short, without a foot or wings; pollinia 2, attached to acommon, minute viscidium.


Named for Walter Teague, collector of the type species.


A genus of six species found in Colombia and Ecuador.

Care and Culture Card

See basic growing conditions and care information below.


Luer, C. A. 1991. Icones Pleurothallidinarum, VIII. Systematics of Lepanthopsis, Octomeria subgenus Pleurothallopsis, Restrepiella, Restrepiopsis, Salipstele and Teagueia. Monogr. Syst. Bot. 39:1-161.