(pronounced: thye-san-oh-GLOS-sah)
Maxillarieae subtribe Ornithocephalinae
Miniature epiphytes. Stems extremely short. Leaves rosulate. Inflorescences terminal erect few-flowered racemes. Flowers resupinate. Sepals and petals free, spreading, subsimilar, subequal, oblong. Lip three-lobed, short-clawed, the lateral lobes deeply fimbriate-laciniate, the callus biseriate. Column rect, straight, with fleshy basal lobes, without wings or foot; pollinia 4, on a common linear stipe.
From the Greek thysanos, meaning tassel, and glossa, meaning tongue, referring to the fimbriate lateral lobes of the lip.
A genus of two species endemic to Brazil.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Mount plants of Thysanoglossa on small slabs with a small pad of moisture-retaining material at the roots. Provide bright light, intermediate to warm temperatures, and regular watering throughout the year.
Hoehne, F. C. 1949. Iconografia de Orchidaceas do Brasil. Graphicars F. Lanzara, São Paulo. Senghas, K. 1996. Thysanoglossa jordanensis Porto & Brade 1940. Die Orchidee 47(5): Orchideenkartei Seite 837-838.

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