(pronounced: trown-STYE-ner-ah)
Orchideae subtribe Orchidinae
Terrestrials arising from tubers. Leaves sessile, linear. Inflorescences terminal long-pedunculate subcapitate racemes, the floral bracts inconspiuous. Flowers numerous, white to pink. Sepals and petals free, spreading. Lip three-lobed, sessile, without a short spur. Column short; pollinia 2.
Named for Josef Traunsteiner, an Austrian apothecary and botanist.
A genus of two species native to Europe.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Traunsteinera in pots of loam. Provide bright light, cool temperatures, and regular watering throughout the year. The plants should be overwintered in an alpine greenhouse, coldframe or by plunging the pots into a garden bed.
Baumann, H. and S. Künkele 1988. Die Orchideen Europas. Kosmos-Naturführer, Stuttgart.

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