(pronounced: trik-oh-TOSE-ee-ah)
Podochileae subtribe Eriinae
Caespitose epiphytes, rarely trailing. Stems cane-like, leafy, erect, pendent, or scrambling. Leaves alternate, distichous, lanceolate, often covered shaggy pubescent. Inflorescences axillary racemes, covered with shaggy pubescence, sessile and congested to pedunculate, loosely-flowered, and subequal to the leaves. Flowers barely opening. Dorsal sepal and petals free, the lateral sepals fused with the column foot forming a sac, the back of the sepals shaggy pubescent. Lip unlobed or three-lobed, sessile or clawed, with low callus ridges. Column stout, without wings, with foot; pollinia 8, naked.
From the Greek trichotos, meaning hairy, from the villose leaves and bracts characteristic of the genus.
A genus of about 45 species from Nepal to the Philippines and New Guinea.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow caespitose species of Trichotosia in pots or baskets of medium-grade epiphyte mixture. Grow trailing species of Trichotosia on slabs with a pad of moisture-retaining material at the roots. Provide bright diffuse light levels, intermediate to warm temperatures, and regular watering throughout the year. Most of the caespitose species produce keikis from near the apex of the stem.
Seidenfaden, G. 1982. Orchid Genera in Thailand X: Trichotosia Bl. and Eria Lindl. Opera Bot. 62:1-157.

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