
(pronounced: trye-FOR-ah)


Triphoreae. This genus was historically combined with a broadly defined Pogonia.


Diminutive terrestrials arising from tuberous roots. Stems erect, watery-succulent. Leaves sessile, scattered along the stems. Inflorescences appearing terminal, often corymbose, the flowers axillary with the floral bracts indistinguishable from the leaves. Flowers cupped, white or pink, ephemeral. Sepals and petals free, spreading, the petals often parallel with and partially concealing the column, usually subsimilar, subequal. Lip three-lobed, clawed, with longitudinal keels. Column arching; pollinia 2, naked, mealy-granular.


From the Greek tri, meaning three, and phoros, meaning to bear, referring either to the small number of flowers or the three crests on a three-lobed lip.


A genus of 19 species distributed throughout the Neotropics.

Care and Culture Card

See basic growing conditions and care information below.


Ames, O. 1922. Notes on Mexican species of Triphora. Orchidaceae 7:39-44.

Luer, C. A. 1966. Two new species of Triphora (Orchidaceae) from Florida. Brittonia 18:241-243.

Luer, C. A. 1969. A new species of Triphora in Florida. Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 38(10):878-880.

Williams, S. A. 1994. Observations on reproduction in Triphora trianthophora (Orchidaceae). Rhodora 96:30-43.