(pronounced: troh-PID-ee-ah)
Terrestrials. Stems erect, branched. Leaves several per branch, plicate. Inflorescences terminal and from the upper leaf axils, racemes or panicles. Flowers ephemeral. Sepals and petals free, spreading, subsimilar, subequal. Lip unlobed, concave, boat-shaped, with subapical callus. Column straight, short, with a long, erect rostellum, the anther dorsal; pollinia 2, granular, sessile on a common viscidium.
From the Greek tropideion, meaning keel, in reference to the boat-shaped labellum.
A genus of 20 species distributed throughout tropical Asia and the islands of the Pacific Ocean with one species in the Neotropics.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow Tropidia in pots with rich loam. Provide warm temperatures, medium to low light levels, and regular watering throughout the year.
Jones, D. L. and C. R. Dunlop 1988. The genus Tropidia Lindley recorded from Australia. Orchadian 9(6):129-131. Wood, J. J. 1988. Muluorchis reduced to Tropidia (Orchidaceae). Kew Bull. 43(4):663-###.

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