(pronounced: un-SIF-er-ah)
Vandeae subtribe Aeridinae
Small monopodial epiphytes. Leaves coriaceous, strap-shaped, unevenly bilobed at the apex, two-ranked. Inflorescences axillary, laxly pendent, densely-flowered racemes, subequal to or slightly longer than the leaves. Flowers cupped, small. Sepals and petals free, subsimilar. Lip obscurely three-lobed, with a prominent incurved or recurved funnel-shaped spur. Column short, bent downwards so that the stigma faces the inside of the spur; pollinia 2, somewhat cleft, on an elongate, spatulate stipe.
A genus of six species ranging from Nepal and northeast India to Vietnam. Uncifera was previously included in a broadly defined Saccolabium Blume.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow Uncifera under intermediate temperatures with medium bright light levels. Water frequently provided that the plants dry out between waterings. Although they may be grown in small pots, the pendent inflorescences are shown to best advantage if the plants are mounted on a slab or grown in a basket held at an angle.
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