(pronounced: vas-kez-ee-EL-lah)
Maxillarieae subtribe Stanhopeinae
Caespitose epiphytes. Pseudobulbs pear-shaped, subtended by scarious, non-foliaceous bracts. Leaves several, plicate. Inflorescences basal, pendent, densely-flowered racemes, the peduncle bracts prominent, the floral bracts inconspicuous. Flowers globose, fleshy. Sepals and petals dissimilar, free, spreading. Lip complex, divided into a hypochile, mesochile and epichile. Column cylindric, elongate, bent below the apex; pollinia 2, sessile on a common viscidium.
Dedicated to Roberto Vásquez Ch., botanist and superb illustrator of Bolivian orchids.
A monotypic genus endemic to Bolivia.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow Vasqueziella in baskets or hanging pots in a medium grade epiphyte mixture that includes moisture-retaining components. Provide medium bright light levels, cool temperatures, and steady watering throughout the year. Watering should be reduced after the pseudobulbs have matured but the roots should never be fully dried out.

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