(pronounced: vry-dag-ZYE-nee-ah)
Cranichideae subtribe Goodyerinae
Succulent terrestrials. Stems trailing, rooting at the nodes, the leafy portions erect. Leaves clustered at the stem apex, membranous, petiolate, often oblique, withering without abscission. Inflorescences terminal, long-scapose, densely-flowered spicate racemes. Flowers tubular, inconspicuous. Sepals and petals free, subsimilar. Lip unlobed or obscurely three-lobed, saccate-spurred, with an internal pair of stalked glands. Column very short; pollinia 2, sessile on a bilobed viscidium.
Dedicated to the Dutch pharmacologist Theodore Daniel Vrydag Zynen who publicized plant-based medicines.
A genus of 40 species from southeast Asia to the islands of the Pacific Ocean.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow Vrydagzynea in a terrestrial mixture in shallow pots or bulb pans. Provide medium to low light levels, intermediate to warm temperatures, high humidity, and steady watering throughout the year. The roots should not dry out for any period of time.
Ormerod, P. 1994. Some comments regarding the identity of the Australian Vrydagzynea species. Orchadian 11(5):218-219.

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