(pronounced: war-ree-OP-siss)
Maxillarieae subtribe Zygopetalinae
Caespitose terrestrials. Pseudobulbs concealed by the leaf bases. Leaves plicate, erect, papery, many-ribbed. Inflorescences axillary, erect, densely-flowered, scapose racemes. Flowers fleshy. Dorsal sepal and petals subsimilar, free, the lateral sepals fused at the base with inrolled margins forming a deeply concave blade. Lip obscurely three-lobed, clawed, with a basal transverse callus. Column cylindric, without wings or a foot; pollinia 4, with a linear-oblong stipe and minute viscidium.
A genus of three species from Panama and northern South America to Venezuela and Ecuador.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow Warreopsis in large pots of terrestrial mixture with the addition of coarse ingredients to insure good drainage. Provide medium light levels, cool-intermediate to cool temperatures, and steady watering throughout the year.
Garay, L. A. 1973. El complejo Zygopetalum. Orquideologia 8:15-51.

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