We are thrilled to Welcome:
J & L Orchids - Specializing in miniature orchids that can be grown in the home. J&L Orchids is a long-established orchid nursery, specializing in miniature orchids and a wide variety of species and interesting hybrids. We are long term hobbyists, propagators, and AOS judges; in business since 1968, and offer something for just about every grower.
Preorders can be placed on their website (https://jlorchids.com) with discount code "Annapolis2025" or emailed to preorders@jlorchids.com. The last day for preorders is Tuesday 8th April, and payments can be made at the time of pickup, too.
NeedMoreOrchids - Specializing in Habenarias aka Habenaria Heaven.
Seasonal sales of Habenaria, Pectabenaria, Cynorkis, Nervilia tubers and plants as well as other unusual species and hybrids of Bulbophyllum, Dendrobium & Epidendrum plus a selection of easy to grow orchid companion plants.
Orchidom - Orchids Dominicana - Featuring Dendrobium, Vanda, Cattleya and Oncidium. The link will bring up a partial list of what they plan to bring to the Members Meeting. To make sure that your favorites are available in Annapolis, preorder by April 1. Â
They will also be bringing flasks of select Cattleyas and native Dominican species.
Woodstream Orchids - One of the most prominent breeders of Paphiopedilums and Phragmipediums in the United States. They will be featuring Top Quality Paphiopedilums, Phragmipediums and additional selected genera. Flasks, seedling and divisions.