2025 Spring Members Meeting - Annapolis, MD

Join Us in Annapolis April 9th -12th. Registration is OPEN!

Click HERE to Register

Make plans to join us this Spring in Annapolis, MD. April 9th through the 12th

Your Registration includes: Early access to vendors/plant sales, 6 Expert Speaker sessions, Meet & Greet Social, Silent and Live Auctions, Hands-On Workshops, Town Hall, Award Presentations, Tours and more! There will be AOS Judging hosted by the National Capital Judging Center.

Held in Conjunction with the North America Orchid Conservation Center (NAOCC) - a program of the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC)

Orchid Vendors

We are thrilled to Welcome:

J & L Orchids - Specializing in miniature orchids that can be grown in the home. J&L Orchids is a long-established orchid nursery, specializing in miniature orchids and a wide variety of species and interesting hybrids. We are long term hobbyists, propagators, and AOS judges; in business since 1968, and offer something for just about every grower.

Preorders can be placed on their website (https://jlorchids.com) with discount code "Annapolis2025" or emailed to preorders@jlorchids.com. The last day for preorders is Tuesday 8th April, and payments can be made at the time of pickup, too.

NeedMoreOrchids - Specializing in Habenarias aka Habenaria Heaven.

Seasonal sales of Habenaria, Pectabenaria, Cynorkis, Nervilia tubers and plants as well as other unusual species and hybrids of Bulbophyllum, Dendrobium & Epidendrum plus a selection of easy to grow orchid companion plants.

Orchidom - Orchids Dominicana - Featuring Dendrobium, Vanda, Cattleya and Oncidium. The link will bring up a partial list of what they plan to bring to the Members Meeting. To make sure that your favorites are available in Annapolis, preorder by April 1.  

They will also be bringing flasks of select Cattleyas and native Dominican species.

Woodstream Orchids - One of the most prominent breeders of Paphiopedilums and Phragmipediums in the United States. They will be featuring Top Quality Paphiopedilums, Phragmipediums and additional selected genera. Flasks, seedling and divisions.

Host Hotel - Annapolis Crowne Plaza

173 Jennifer Road, Annapolis, MD

We have reserved a block of rooms at special Members Meeting rate ($149/night)

Click the button below to make your reservations. Your stay dates can be adjusted at the top of the page using the calendar icon.

Schedule of Events

Unless otherwise specified all meeting activities will be held at the Annapolis Crowne Plaza Hotel

Wednesday, April 9th

  • 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Executive Committee Meeting
  • 1:00 - 4:00 PM Board of Trustees Strategic Planning Session (SERC facilities)
  • 4:00 - 5:30 PM Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Lab/Facilities Tour. The tour will offer an overview of the SERC campus and 92,000 sq ft LEED-Platinum Charles McC. Mathias building which has 69,000 sq ft of office and laboratory space as well as on-site solar energy production, geothermal heating and cooling, water reclamation system and stormwater management wetlands. A focus of the tour will be a visit to the SERC Plant and Molecular Ecology lab to see the NAOCC orchid mycorrhizal fungal collection and the genomics facilities that we use to identify the fungi that orchids need to grow. ** Interested registrants must arrange for their own transportation to SERC in Edgewater, MD **
  • Dinner on your own
  • 7:00 - 9:00 PM Judges Training Forum - Dendrobium: 2 Sections

* "Judging Latouria Dendrobium" - Cordelia Head and Lucas Carreño

* "Dendrobium section Oxyglossum - Great Presents Come in Small Packages" - Bob Winkley

Thursday, April 10th

  • 8:00 - 9:00 AM Education Committee "Bring your Coffee" Meet & Greet
  • 8:00 - 10:30 AM Judging Commitee Meeting
  • 8:00 - 9:15 AM Committee Meetings
  • 9:15 - 10:30 AM Committee Meetings
  • 11:00 - 6:00 PM D.C. Botanic Gardens Backstage Tours & Experience (Ticketed Event) Includes the Smithsonian Gardens and the US Botanic Garden + Loop around the National Mall.
  • Dinner on your own

Friday, April 11th

  • 8:30 AM Vendor/Plant sales open to Meeting registrants. Silent Auction Opens.
  • 9:00 - Noon Board of Trustees Meeting
  • 9:30 AM Vendor/Plant sales open to the public
  • Noon - 1:00 PM "Meet the Leadership and AOS Judges" Lunch (Ticketed Event)
  • 1:00 PM AOS Judging
  • Speaker Sessions - Orchid Conservation - A Vital Endeavor

* 1:00 PM - Janice Yates - 'Treading Lightly: Tales of Citizen Conservation and Education'

* 2:00 PM - Sarah Hedean and Amy Highland - 'Orchid Conservation at the Smithsonian Gardens and the United States Botanic Garden'

* 3:00 PM - Peter Zale, Ph.D. - 'Native Orchid Conservation Efforts at Longwood Gardens'

  • 4:00 - 5:00 PM "Repotting, Dividing, and Mounting." Hands-on Workshop. While included with meeting registration, space is limited to 50. (Supplies will be provided to those who pre-register for this workshop.) ** There will be a separate registration/sign up for this event. **
  • 5:15 - 6:00 PM Meet & Greet Social. Live Auction Preview.
  • 6:00 - 7:30 Live Auction. Queen Anne Ballroom

Saturday, April 12th

* 1:00 PM - Melissa K. McCormick, Ph.D. - 'Conserving our Native Orchid Heritage'

* 2:00 PM - Hope Brooks - 'Doggone Orchid Hunters – How Man’s Best Friend Can Help Sniff Out Orchids'

* 3:00 PM - Bob Sprague - 'Orchids, Whales and Polar Bears'

  • 4:00 - 5:15 PM "Orchid Viruses" Hands-on Workshop. While included with meeting registration, space is limited to 50. Sponsored by Agdia. (Supplies will be provided to those who pre-register for this workshop.) ** There will be a separate registration/sign up for this event. **
  • 7:00 - 9:00 PM "Annapolis in Bloom: An Orchid Celebration" Banquet with Keynote Speaker Dennis Whigham, Ph.D., Founder of the North American Orchid Conservation Center (NAOCC), an initiative of the Smithsonian and the United States Botanic Garden.