Light needs are easy to fulfill for bulbophyllum. They can receive ambient light in a greenhouse or north window at the least and up to five hours of bright diffused light at the most. Most will thrive with two to three hours of bright diffused light a day.
- In a greenhouse, shadecloth is required to reach about 10,750-32,250 lumens (1,000-3,000 foot-candles) depending on the plants.
- In the home, east, north, or west windows where they will get about 1-5 hours of bright sun are ideal. Some species will flower even without this amount of sun exposure, as long as the ambient light is bright enough.
Many types of Bulbophyllum will grow well under artificial light. Use lightbulbs/LEDs of your choice that are about 1-2 feet above the plant and emit >10,000 lumens per square yard/square meter. The lowest amount of lumens for growth is about 1000 lumens, though flowering may be poor.