Light is the most important factor in growing and flowering Cattleyas, whether in a greenhouse or in the home. They can receive direct sun indoors in a South, East, or West window, or direct sun in a greenhouse. Leaves should be a chartreuse-green color; pseudobulbs erect and require no staking.
- In a greenhouse, 50%-70% full sun or about 32,250-53,750 lumens (3,000-5,000 foot-candles) is ideal. Southern climates below the 37th parallel will need to use shade cloth. Northern growers can expose some species to full sun with no consequence.
- Indoors, Cattleya should be placed in any window (ideally south-facing) that gets more than 4 hours of direct sunlight to bloom. You cannot sunburn a Cattleya indoors.
- If grown under lights, Cattleya should receive more than 3000 lumens of light to bloom and grow.