Some Orchids with predominantly green flowers
Although lavender, pink, orange and red orchids rate high in the marketplace, growers with large or mixed collections usually have one or a few green-flowered orchids. There is something fresh about a lettuce-green flower that appeals to our nature. Although most commonly cultivated genera have green species, they are certainly not common. Below we present a sampling of favorite green orchids. Try a few, they are certain to make your fellow growers green with envy!
Bonatea speciosa
Cymbidium goeringii
Cycnoches chlorochilon
Coelogyne pandurata
Catasetum integerrimum
Dendrobium anceps
Dendrobium ionopus
Epidendrum difforme
Ida locusta
Paphiopedilum malipoense
Paphiopedilum tonsum
Rhyncholaelia digbyana