(pronounced: mil-YOH-nee-ah)
Maxillarieae subtribe Oncidiinae
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Honoring Earl Fitzwilliam, Viscount Milton, a generous patron of horticulture, orchidology, and natural science.
A genus of nine species from Brazil and southern South America.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Miltonia in bulbpans or shallow baskets of medium-grade epiphyte mixture. Provide bright light levels, intermediate to warm temperatures, and regular watering throughout the year. Plants of Miltonia are shallow rooting and the root systems typically deteriorate in deep pots or in older, decomposed potting media. Plants should be repotted only after new growths have initiated new roots. Frequently, repotting at the wrong time “sets-back” plants and requires several growing seasons to return the pseudobulbs to mature size. Established plants that are to be grown to larger “specimen” plant size should be repotted with minimal root disturbance. ........................................... M. clowesii
Baker, C. and M. Baker 1995. Those other Miltonias. Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 64(9):976-985. Brieger, F. C. 1965. Evolucao disruptiva marginal em Miltonia Ldl. (Orchidaceae). Ciencia e Cultura 17:155-156. Brieger, F. C. and E. Lückel 1983. Der Miltonia-komplex, eine neubeurteilung 1. Enleitung und schlüssel der Gattungen. Die Orchidee 34:128-134. Brieger, F. C. and E. Lückel 1983. Der Miltonia-komplex, eine neubeurteilung 2. Die bedeutung von Merkmalen und Sippen. Die Orchidee 34:216-219. Brieger, F. C. and E. Lückel 1984. Der Miltonia-komplex, eine neubeurteilung 3. Die Gattungen Anneliesia und Miltonioides. Die Orchidee 35:41-46. Senghas, K. 1997. Miltonia und verwandte Gattungen. Pfitzeriana 1(1):1-109. Senghas, K. 1999. Anneliesia kayasimae. J. Orchideenfr. 6(3):186-187.
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