April 2018

 April 2018

April 2018

April is our judging month!  Featured in this months issue are all of the year-end annual awards representing the best examples of each award category and pictures of all 51 First Class Certificates given in 2017.  Congratulations to all the growers and special thanks to the photographers who so expertly captured these plants!  Also in this issue: two Lindleyana articles, one describing a new, highly threatened species of Vanilla from Costa Rica and the other describing two new species of Acianthera section Antilla from Haiti.

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Also in this issue

  • The 2016 American Orchid Society Annual Awards
  • The 2017 First Class Certificates
  • New Year-End Awards for 2018/2019 248
  • Leptotes bicolor
  • Genus of the Month -  Miltoniopsis
  • Orchids Illustrated - Lorenz Oken
  • Tales of a Student Judge