August 2017

 August 2017

August 2017

Jim Shaughnessy walks us through the culture of Sarcochilus. Jim is the president of the Australian Orchid Council and an expert in these wonderful little plants. They take up less space than a mature phalaenopsis, flower profusely and come in a stunning array of colors and patterns. Leon Glicenstein presents some new Pelexia olivacea hybrids. These painted-leaf or jewel orchids are easy as houseplants and, unlike most orchids, visually attractive even when not in flower. Jewel orchids not your cup of tea? Perhaps Keith Davis' discussion of Cattleya (Laelia) milleri will entice you to give this stunning beauty a try. Lastly, Franco Pupulin and Adam Karremans discuss Horichia dressleri, a truly rare but beautiful orchid known only from Costa Rica and western Panama.

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Also in this issue

  • Orchids Illustrated - Eulophia
  • New Refugium Botanicum - Epidendrum vallis-salentii
  • For the Novice - Orchid Triage
  • Carbon Dioxide in the Small Greenhouse

Articles in this issue
