January 2024
Stig Dalström brings us another installment in the ongoing Orchids of Bhutan series - this month dealing with Cyrtosia javanica, a rare-to-Bhutan terrestrial species. This month also features the fantastic photographs and photographers who were chosen the winners in the Native Orchid Conference's recent photographic contest and Patsy West rounds out our features with a discussion of mounting orchids on clay plates.
Rounding out our January magazine issue
- Tom's Monthly Checklist by Thomas Mirenda
- Education Update - The Brevard Zoo Project by Christine Vellanti and Lauren Delgado
- Collector's Item - Ida barrowiorum by Judith Rapacz-Hasler
- Judges' Corner - Filling the Looming Accredited Judge Gap by Jean Allen-Ikeson
- For the Novice - Rots in Catasetums by Sue Bottom
- Orchids Illustrated - J-B. Barla - Botanist of Leisure by Wesley Higgins and Peggy Alrich
- Lindleyana - New Lepanthes Sw. from Ecuador, Part 9 by Alfonso Doucette, Hugo Medina and José Portilla
- In Memoriam - Chris Rehmann (1940-2023); 33rd President of the AOS by the AOS editorial staff