October 2022

 October 2022

October 2022

This month Jason Harpster completes his two-part article on the confusion behind the parents of Cattleya Penny Kuroda and Cattleya Hawaiian Fantasy. Clare Hermans and Johan Hermans walk us through the 129-year history of The Orchid Review, the world's oldest continuously published orchid periodical and Nile Dusdieker and Cheryl Erins tell us about the Eastern Iowa Orchid Society's Halloween theme-based orchid show. Spiro Kasomenakis relates his experience coming face-to-face with a rare alpine orchid, Gymnadenia rhellicani and we present a two-page photographic spread of a selection of award photographs by the late Charles Marden Fitch.SEE THE 2022 ANNUAL SUPPLEMENT "HYBRIDIZERS" AS WELL(PUBLISHED AND DISTRIBUTED ALONGSIDE THIS MONTH'S ISSUE)VIEW SUPPLEMENT  |   DOWNLOAD SUPPLEMENT

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Rounding out our October magazine issue

  • Tom's Monthly Checklist
  • For the Novice - Fungal vs. Bacterial Infections by Sue Bottom
  • Collector's Item - Bifrenaria harrisoniae  by Judith Rapacz-Hasler
  • Orchids Illustrated - Microchilus by Wesley Higgins and Peggy Alrich
  • The Nitty-Gritty of Flasking by Don Maples
  • Book Review -  Orchid Species from Himalaya to Southeast Asia,Volumes 1, 2, and 3 by Paul Alan Wetter, MD
  • Lindleyana - The Phylogenetic Placement of Andreettaea ocellus has Significant Implications for Generic Circumscription of Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae) by Alfonso Doucette, Hugo Medina, José Portilla and Kenneth M. Cameron
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Also in this issue

  • Cattleya Penny Kuroda and Cattleya Hawaiian Fantasy, Part Two: Cattleya Hawaiian Fantasy By Jason Harpster
  • For the Novice - Bacterial versus Fungal Infections by Sue Bottom
  • Bifrenaria harrisoniae (Hooker)Rchb.f 1855 By Judith Rapacz-Hasler
  • Frighteningly Magnificent Orchids. Theme-Based Orchid Shows Can Be Fun! by Nile Dusdieker and Cheryl Erins
  • A Fountain of Knowledge. A New Index to 129 years of The Orchid Review by Clare Hermans and Johan Hermans
  • Gymnadenia rhellicani  (Nigritella nigra subsp. rhellicani) in Art and Nature by Spiro Kasomenakis
  • Orchids Illustrated: Microchilus by Wesley Higgins and Peggy Alrich
  • Lindleyana - The Phylogenetic Placement of Andreettaea ocellus by Alfonso Doucette, Hugo Medina, Jose Portilla, and Kenneth M. Cameron
  • Book Review - Orchid Species from Himalaya and Southeast Asia Vol 1, 2 & 3 by Eng Soon Teoh, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland - Review by Paul Wetter, MD