September 2016

 September 2016

September 2016

First described in 1856 as Miltonia warscewiczii, the plant we now know as Oncidium fuscatum is an easily grown, warmth-tolerant and floriferous species worthy of space in any of our collections. It also is an excellent parent and found in the background of most of today's popular warmth-tolerant Oncidium Alliance hybrids.  Jean Allen-Ikeson, in her article Oncidium fuscatum takes us through the discovery of the species, its color forms and it's early hybrids.  Part 2 discussing today's most modern hybrids will be featured in the October magazine.  Also in this issue, Arthur E. and A.A. Chadwick continue their series on First Ladies and Their Cattleyas with a beautifully illustrated treatment of Rhyncholaeliocattleya Laura Bush.

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Also in this issue

  • Genus of the Month - Myrmecophila
  • Orchids Illustrated - Cattleya
  • For the Novice - Catasetums and Their Kins
  • Mea Culpa! The Case of a Misidentified Jewel Orchid
  • Lindleyana - Gongora bayeri R. Jenny spec. nov.