September 2023
This month's features include a lavishly illustrated article on Paphiopedilum philippinense and its hybrids written by Kay Perry and another installment of Arthur Chadwick's First Ladies and Their Cattleyas series with a look at Bess Truman and her namesake Cattleya. Rounding out our features, Clare and Johan Hermans introduce us to the Dr. Ceclia Koo Botanical Conservation Center in Taiwan - sure to be a not-to-miss attraction for those attending the World Orchid Conference and Show in February, 2024.
Rounding out our September magazine issue
- Tom's Monthly Checklist by Thomas Mirenda
- For the Novice - The Culture Grid by Catherine Higgins
- Collector's Item - Clowesia Rebecca Northen 'Mikabi' AM-CCM/AOS by Judith Rapacz-Hasler
- Judges' Corner - Prescreened, Passed or Screened Out by Jean Allen-Ikeson
- Orchids Illustrated - Fernandezia by Wesley Higgins and Peggy Alrich
- Lindleyana - New Records of Lepanthes Sw. from Ecuador, Part 6: Lepanthes groeninkeana, Lepanthes morona-santiagoensis, and Lepanthes silviocaberoana by Alfonso Doucette, Hugo Medina and José Portilla
- In Memoriam - Dr. Norito Hasegawa by AOS editorial staff