Epsom Salts
Epsom salts are comprised of magnesium sulfate – both of which are essential minerals to plants. They aid in water retention (by virtue of their ionic nature), but have other functions. Magnesium is essential for the production of chlorophyll (which what plants use to feed themselves), and flowering. The sulfur in sulfate is essential for plant defenses as well as plant protein production (which is used for enzymes that regulate the plants metabolism).
For plants that are grown either mounted with little media, or with no media but hanging (like how many greenhouse Vanda are grown), after some time, they will dry out and wrinkle no matter how often you water them. When that happens, it’s because the plant is in need of salts or electrolytes. When grown without any media, the plant slowly loses salts over time, and those need to be replaced. An Epsom salt soak for an hour each day for a 3 days (or more if needed) can help restore the plant to its plump state. Alternatively, when a plant has severe root rot, new root growth can be encouraged by an Epsom salt soak. Simply mix 1 tbsp/gal of water, and ensure that half of the whole plant, media and all, are soaking for one hour each day. Rinse with water afterwards.

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