The Mid-Atlantic region is home to a surprising number of native orchids; most of them are threatened or endangered. Although some are colorful and flamboyant, many are small and inconspicuous. This presentation by Bob Sprague will employ the magic of macro-photography to provide close-up views of most of them. In addition, you will learn about the amazing life histories of a number of these fascinating native plants. The program concludes with a discussion of current threats to our native orchid flora, ongoing research/conservation efforts, and how you can help.
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Inorganic Potting Media: Never Repot Again with Harvey Brenneise, Part 1
Citizen Scientists Meet Native Orchids
Documentation and Conservation of Chikanda Orchids in the Highlands of Southern Tanzania
New and Novel Hybrids at the Longwood Gardens, and How to Grow Them
Orchids for Everyone: Pests, Diseases, and Troubleshooting Problems – Module 5 of the Master Gardener Series
Orchids for Everyone: General Orchid Care – Module 4 of the Master Gardener Series
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