Selecting the right plant for the right place is the key to success with orchids and other houseplants. There are so many to choose from at the grocery stores, box stores, online, and at orchid shows. In this module, Janeil Payne and David Vandenbroek help identify the most popular genera of orchids available and provides a basic overview of some growing and care concerns for each.
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Citizen Scientists Meet Native Orchids
Documentation and Conservation of Chikanda Orchids in the Highlands of Southern Tanzania
New and Novel Hybrids at the Longwood Gardens, and How to Grow Them
Orchids for Everyone: Native Orchids of Pennsylvania and the Mid-Atlantic Region – Module 6 of the Master Gardener Series
Orchids for Everyone: Pests, Diseases, and Troubleshooting Problems – Module 5 of the Master Gardener Series
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