Number Of Leaves Per Growth Or Cane: 1
Leaf Length: 9 cm
Leaf Width: 3 cm
Leaf Margin: entire
Leaf Shape: elliptical
Pseudobulb Length: 9 cm
Pseudobulb Width: 1 cm dia
Pseudobulb Distance: minimal
Inflorescence Overall Length: to 56 cm
Floral Bracts Width: N/A
Ovary Length: 4.3 cm
Ovary Width: 1 mm dia
Ovary Shape: long, thin
Ovary Color: olive
Ovary Texture: glabrous
Flower Natural Spread Length: 2.9
Flower Natural Spread Width: 3.1
Dorsal Sepal Length: 1.7
Dorsal Sepal Width: 0.4
Lateral Sepals Length: 1.3
Lateral Sepals Width: 0.4
Petals Width: 0.3
Judging Center: Atlanta Judging Center
Award Number: 20252059
Award Date: February 08, 2025
Awarded As: CBR
Twenty-six flowers and 23 buds presented apically on four arcuate unstaked inflorescences, to 56 cm; plant 21 cm tall by 24 cm wide in 11 cm clay pot, grown in sphagnum moss; leaves elliptical, to 9 cm long by 3 cm wide; pseudobulb to 9 cm long by 1 cm diameter; sepals and petals lanceolate, distally recurved, base color light pink, distally suffused lavender; lip tubular, light pink, dark pink picotee, side lobes striped darker pink, enclose column, throat ivory; awarded for novelty and rarity in cultivation; country of origin southeast Brazil; award provisional, submitted to SITF 2/8/2025.