Changnienia amoena Whiskey's Paw CHM 2025-02-09

Posted on February 09, 2025

SITF confirms this plant as Changnienia amoena (Feb 2025). The petals of the similar C. malipoensis are 1.6 to 1.7 cm and C. amoena petals are 1.2 to 1.4 cm also, the leaf shape is definitely more like C. amoena than C. malipoensis, which has a broadly, almost circular leaf for C. malipoensis compared to the leaf shape of this plant. The original description of C. amoena describes the leaf as 6-11 cm long and 5-8.2 cm wide, which is a better fit to this plant. This plant is a very good match to the photo of C. amoena in the IOSPE.
