Gomesa alpina 'J&L' CHM 2024-05-10

Posted on May 10, 2024

SITF has determined this plant to be Gomesa planifolia, not Gomesa alpina (Jun 2024). The key difference between G. alpina and G. planifolia is that G. alpina has 10-15 flowers on an up to 13-cm inflorescence and G. planifolia has up to 50 flowers on a 25 to 30-cm inflorescence. This plant had 44 flowers on an up to 25-cm inflorescence, which better keys to G. planifolia. G. recurva was also considered, however, Kew's POWO considers G. recurva to be synonymous with G. planifolia. Matching photos of G. planifolia may be found in the IOSPE and the orchidroots.com. Description and photos of G. planifolia are in the "Orchids of Brazil" by Dalton H. Batista, Patricia Harding, et. al.

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