Overall Length Of Growth Cane: 3.0
Number Of Leaves Per Growth Or Cane: 7
Leaf Length: up to 3.4
Leaf Width: Up to 0.8
Leaf Margin: Entire
Leaf Shape: Oblanceolate
Leaf Petiole Length: 1.0
Pseudobulb Length: 1.0
Pseudobulb Width: 0.7
Pseudobulb Distance: N/A awarded plant was a one growth plant
Pseudobulb Root Tip: Not Visible
Inflorescence Overall Length: 9.3
Inflorescence Arrangement: Terminal
Inflorescence Dist Base To Bud: 9.2
Inflorescence Dist Bet Flowers: N/A Single Flower Inflorescence
Inflorescence Dist To Sepal: 1.5
Floral Bracts Length: 0.7
Floral Bracts Width: 0.1
Ovary Length: 0.6
Ovary Width: 0.2
Ovary Shape: Round
Ovary Color: Chartreuese
Ovary Texture: WAxy
Flower Natural Spread Length: 4.7
Flower Natural Spread Width: 2.6
Dorsal Sepal Length: 2.2
Dorsal Sepal Width: 1.1
Lateral Sepals Length: 2.5
Lateral Sepals Width: 1.0
Petals Length: 1.1
Petals Width: 0.1
Judging Center: Puerto Rico
Award Number: 20195707
Award Date: October 17, 2019
Awarded As: Maxillaria schweinfurthiana
Maxillaria schweinfurthiana (Garay & M.Wirth) Molinari The drawing that will be posted is of the species under the synonym Cyrtoglottis peruviana C.Schweinf.
Species endemic to Peru.