Overall Length Of Growth Cane: 5.5
Number Of Leaves Per Growth Or Cane: 1
Leaf Width: 1.0
Leaf Margin: smooth, entire
Leaf Shape: lanceolate, reddish leaf color
Inflorescence Overall Length: 5.0
Inflorescence Dist Bet Flowers: 0.2
Flower Natural Spread Length: 1.0
Flower Natural Spread Width: 3.0
Dorsal Sepal Length: 1.3
Dorsal Sepal Width: 0.2
Lateral Sepals Length: 2.0
Lateral Sepals Width: 0.3
Petals Length: 0.2
Petals Width: 0.2
Judging Center: Mid-America Judging Center
Award Number: 20193752
Award Date: October 12, 2019
Awarded As: Scaphosepalum digitale
Nineteen flowers and 18 buds on 37 sequentially blooming inflorescences; mounted on a moss-covered cool log; dorsal sepal plum purple; lateral sepals plum purple, caudae white; petals orange; lip plum purple; column and anther cap white; substance firm; texture satin.
Plant size: 14-cm wide by 12-cm vertical