Judging Center: FNCJC
Award Number: 20251283
Award Date: March 08, 2025
Awarded As: CBR
One flower and one bud on two successive blooming zigzag, flattened, jointed inflorescences; flower resupinate, base color cream; dorsal sepal linear, acuminate,slightly rugose, overlaid chartreuse, three veined red-brown; lateral sepals linear, acuminate, slightly rugose, chartreuse, veined red-brown; petals crescent shape, hooked, red-brown; lip arched, two bi-lateral ridges, orange, lip articulate to column foot, orange; column apex beaked, green, anther cap yellow; substance firm, texture matte; plant caespitose, leaves lanceolate, entire, length 18 cm including 2.5-cm petiole, medium green, covered in dried brown, papery bracts.