Overall Length Of Growth Cane: 42.5 cm wide by 38 cm tall plant
Number Of Leaves Per Growth Or Cane: 1 leaf per stem, alternating overlapping sheaths on stem.
Leaf Length: 16.2 cm
Leaf Width: 8.0 cm
Leaf Shape: Ovate
Pseudobulb Distance: tightly clustered
Pseudobulb Root Tip: root tip not observed
Inflorescence Overall Length: 6.2 cm
Inflorescence Dist Bet Flowers: flowers clustered at tip
Ovary Length: 0.7 cm
Ovary Width: 0.4 cm
Ovary Color: green
Flower Natural Spread Length: 4.0 cm
Flower Natural Spread Width: 1.7 cm
Dorsal Sepal Length: 4.0 cm
Dorsal Sepal Width: 1.2 cm
Lateral Sepals Width: 1.1 cm
Petals Width: 0.2
Judging Center: PNWJC
Award Number: 20255462
Award Date: February 27, 2025
Awarded As: CBR
Sixteen flowers and twenty-nine buds on eleven inflorescences to 6.2 cm on a 42.5 cm wide by 38 cm tall plant grown in a 15.5 cm pot in bark; sixteen ovate leaves with acute tip up to 8.0 cm wide by 16.2 cm long, dark green with purple underside; plant stem covered by alternating leaf sheaths; sepals ivory, heavily veined and spotted pink, sepal margins oxblood, sepals almost completely fused with a small opening at the lateral sepal base; petals abrupt acuminate, cream , blushed pink centrally; lip delicately hinged, base to hinge point 0.2 cm, distal portion horned proximally, curled upwards distally, cream with pink spot at hinge point; column cream, anther cap yellow; substance firm; texture matte. Noted for unusual opening on flowers. Species recently described in International Plant Names Index (IPNI), Uribe Velez & Sauleda New World Orchid Nomenclature Notes 130:1 (2024).