Description: Forty-eight flowers and
ten buds on 18 racemose, simultaneously-flowered inflorescences clustered on at
the base of the leaves of a 30-cm tall by 20-cm wide plant grown in a 10-cm
wide square pot filled with fine bark as growing medium; ramicauls relatively
thick and strong;Â leaves coriaceous, erect, broadly elliptical, shortly
accuminate on top, cuneate bellow leading into a thick petiole that slightly
twists allowing some of the inflorescences to appear at the reverse of the
leaves; non-resupinate, minute flowers yellow; sepals interior densely
short-pubescent , dorsal sepal ovate, obtuse, veined, lateral sepals ,
elliptical, obtuse, connate to near the middle forming a short conical mentum
with the foot column-foot and a broader mentum bellow the apex of the lip ;
petals cuneate-obovate, truncate; lip arcuate, oblong, unguiculate, rounded and
verrucose apex , hinged at the base of the foot-column; semiterete column,
winged above the middle, anther cap ventral; substance firm; texture velvety; a
xanthic form of the species; per WCSPF endemic to Colombia (Antioquia); awarded
as Stelis cocornaensis (Luer & R.Escobar) Pridgeon & M.W.Chase, Lindleyana
16: 262 (2001) pending taxonomic verification by SITF.
20161827. Â PRJCwe have had this one before ---