Bulbophyllum sterile 2024-04-09
Posted on April 09, 2024
SITF confirms that this plant is Bulbophyllum sterile (Apr 2024). The petals of B. sterile are broadly triangular, as are these and the trilobed lip has the cleft middle lobe and two acute lobes that are visible in this flower. The pseudobulbs on this plant match the description in the "Flowers of India" website as conical-ovoid, faintly four-angled; there is also a photo matching this plant in the "Flowers of India" and matching photos of B. sterile in the "eFlora of India" website. This flower closely matches the photo of B. sterile (as B. neilgherrense) in the IOSPE and Seidenfaden & Smitinand's 1959, "The Orchids of Thailand" stated that B. sterile can be distinguished by its distinctive membraneous bracts, reddish-brown stripes in the sepals, acute triangular lateral sepals, acute and short vertical horns on the column and the lip with basal auricles.

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