Stanhopea jenischiana- awarded as Stanhopea stevensonii 2023-08-22

Posted on August 22, 2023

SITF has determined this plant to be Stanhopea jenischiana, not Stanhopea stevensonii (July 2024). This plant does not match the form of S. stevensonii. The horns of stevensonii are much broader and held at a narrower angle off the epichile and there is usually a noticeable bulge in the hypochile base. This plant fits either S. embreei or S. jenischiana better. Based on the number of flowers per inflorescence, (submitted plant averages 6 flowers and buds per inflorescence), this fits S. jenischiana better than S. embreei with an award median number of 6.9 versus S. embreeii with an award median of Three. Jenny also noted S. embreeii's shorter inflorescence to 15 cm vs the submitted plant of 53 cm. Submitted photos of the lip on this plant very closely resemble the parts in the photos in the "Stanhopea Book" by Rudolf Jenny.

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