Trisetella-escobairii-2023-12-12 *SITF has determined this plant to be Trisetella pachycaudata, not Trisetella escobarii (Dec 2023).

Posted on December 12, 2023

The description of T. escobarii in Lindleyana 1: 188 (1986) does not match the laterally-held, nobby textured inflorescences of this plant; the inflorescences of T. escobarii are pendent and smooth. The form of the lateral caudae also does not agree with the description of T. escobarii. Alfonso Doucette, noted taxonomist, especially in the Pleurothallids, suggested this plant is the newly described Trisetella pachycaudata from Southeast Ecuador. Photos, an illustration, and the description of T. pachycaudata in the Lankesteriana "A New and Previously Misidentified Species of Trisetella from Southeast Ecuador" by Mogrovejo-Herrera and Baquero matches this plant and flower and compares T. pachycaudata to the similar T. strumosa. Our thanks to Dr. Doucette for his help in identifying this plant.

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