II. Judging Committee
2.1 Organization
Appointed by the Board of Trustees at their first meeting following each election, the JC is composed of the following voting members:
- a chair,
- the chair of each judging center, and
- three to five additional members recommended by the chair and approved by the Board of Trustees.
The term of the JC chair is limited to four consecutive years.
One or more of the members may be designated by the JC chair as JC vice-chair, as well as secretary.
If a judging center's chair is unable to attend, the vice-chair shall serve as the center’s voting alternate.
If both the judging center’s chair and vice-chair are unable to attend, an accredited judge of the center, appointed by the chair to represent the wishes of the center, shall serve as the center's voting alternate.
2.2 Meetings
Meetings of the JC will be held regularly, following the lead of the bi-annual meetings of the Board of Trustees, e.g. face to face or virtual.
Additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the chair; they can be face-to-face, or virtual.
For all meetings, a majority of the voting members of the JC shall constitute a quorum.
- Decisions shall be made by a majority vote of all members present and voting.
2.3 Duties and Responsibilities
The JC shall:
Supervise the AOS judging system under the direction of the Board of Trustees of the AOS.
Establish uniform standards for the acceptance and education of judges.
Receive from the judging centers all nominations for new candidates for judge, notification of new students accepted into the judging centers' educational programs and changes in the status of current judges, and after review of the centers' recommendations, make its independent recommendations to the Board of Trustees.
Additionally, and with the approval of the Board of Trustees, the JC may initiate any action it deems necessary for the proper and ethical administration of the judging system, including suspension or termination of a judge, as described in paragraph 4.11.
Along with designated staff of the AOS, be responsible for maintaining a current list of the judges.
Through its chair, be responsible for the day-to-day interpretation of judging rules, the enforcement and maintenance of any records necessary for efficient monitoring of the judging system.
Have the right to rescind any award which either through error or lack of knowledge was granted in violation of the rules.
Make recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding the future development of the AOS judging system.
Be responsible, under the direction of the Board of Trustees, for biannual review and revision of the Handbook which is devoted to judging.
2.4 Duties and Responsibilities of JC Chair
The chair shall:
Preside at all meetings of the JC. In the chair's absence, the vice-chair shall preside. If both are absent, a temporary chair shall be elected by the members present.
At each biannual meeting, report to the Board of Trustees on JC activities and recommendations.
Make a report at each biannual meeting of members of the AOS.
Arrange for minutes of meetings to be sent to all JC members. The minutes shall contain a full and complete record of the meeting so members shall be able to participate in the work and decisions of the JC.
Preside at any duly called general meeting of AOS judges.
Appoint committees and task forces as defined in the Handbook, as well as ad hoc working committees of the JC when necessary.
Appoint a national education coordinator. (See paragraph 4.7.1)
2.5 Judging Policy Task Force
A subcommittee of the JC known as the Judging Policy Task Force (JPTF) shall be appointed by the chair to act as an executive task force between sessions of the JC. The chair shall head this task force. The Judging Policy Task Force shall help prepare the agenda for JC meetings, make recommendations to the JC, and make policy decisions which require immediate action. No formal action may be taken on matters pertaining to the status of judges. Decisions shall be made by a majority of the Judging Policy Task Force including the chair and shall be reviewed by the JC at its next semiannual meeting.
2.6 Judging Ethics Task Force
A Judging Ethics Task Force (JETF) shall be appointed by the JC chair. The JETF shall recommend Handbook additions or changes on any issue involving judges' ethics and submit them in its reports to the JC.
2.7 Judging Handbook Task Force
The Judging Handbook Task Force (JHTF) shall be appointed by the JC chair. The JHTF will have the authority to correct typographical, spelling, or other administrative errors without presenting them to the JC or the Board of Trustees for approval provided that the correction(s) in no way change the meaning, intent, or substance of the Handbook. Other changes to the Handbook suggested by the JHTF that change the meaning, intent, or substance of the Handbook must be approved by both the JC and the Board of Trustees.
2.8 Director of Awards and Special Projects
The Director of Awards and Special Projects is a staff position responsible for managing the logistics of the AOS awards program. This consists of receiving, recording, editing, registering, maintaining, publishing awards information on the web, and the provision of award certificates, thus providing the official recognition of awards granted in the many judging centers and the over 200 AOS sanctioned events held annually. The Director of Awards and Special Projects provides specific, award-related support to the judging system, reporting to the Judging Committee and the Board monthly. The Director of Awards and Special Projects presents a visual summary of the Special Annual Awards, announced at the spring semi-annual meeting of members.

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