III. Judging Center Committees
3.1 Organization
The judging system consists of 27 judging centers, and 10 additional sites, located in the United States and Canada.
Each center, including any additional sites, is under the jurisdiction of a center committee comprising all its active certified judges.
Each center committee is a subcommittee of the JC and each main center chair is a member of the JC.
Each center will have a chair, a first vice-chair, two vice-chairs for each additional site, a secretary, a treasurer, an education coordinator, and one or more photographers.
- The chair, all vice-chairs and the education coordinator must be accredited or emeritus judges.
- The photographers need not be members of the AOS.
Centers in close geographic proximity may, by application to the JC, merge into a single center with multiple monthly judging dates in additional sites, by a vote of two-thirds of the judges serving each of the merging centers.
Center chairs and vice-chairs are elected for terms beginning January 1, following the trustees' meeting at which they are confirmed. Chairs and vice-chairs completing the term of a chair or vice chair that is being replaced, officially take office when confirmed by the trustees.
3.2 Duties of Officers
3.2.1 Chair
The chair, elected by the center committee and confirmed by the trustees, has the overall responsibility and authority for all AOS judging activities of the center. Where judging centers have multiple sites, the chair may, for reasons of convenience, operate from a preferred site and serve as presiding chair of judging at that site. The chair will:
Serve as a member of the JC and participate actively in JC matters as required. Enforcement of the Handbook is a shared responsibility of the center chairs and the JC.
Respond promptly to questionnaires or minutes of meetings from the JC.
At least 60 (sixty) days prior to the biannual Board of Trustees meetings noted below, provide the chair of the JC (or the chair’s designee) with the following information: (a) For each biannual meeting of the Board of Trustees: (i) copies of minutes of judging center committee business meetings with all recommendations for personnel actions made by the center's committee, including the full names and addresses of the persons involved. (ii) copy of the center's current judge's roster in text format, including the judges’ names, statuses, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses, highlighting any roster changes from previous submission. (b) For the Fall biannual meeting of the Board of Trustees: (i)recommendations of the center committee for their chair and vice-chair. Note: If changes occur at other times, the chair of the JC should be so notified. (c) For the Spring biannual meeting of the Board of Trustees: (i) judging center award totals, including shows in the center's jurisdiction, for the preceding year in the prescribed format. (ii) confirm the names of at least one sponsoring Affiliated Society for the judging center. Centers with multiple locations must confirm this information for each site. (1) If the primary sponsoring Affiliated Society for the judging center needs to change, the following must be submitted to the chair of the Judging Committee at the time of change: (a) Written notice from the judging center advising the JC of the change, and (b) a letter from the new sponsoring society agreeing to their new role.
Call and preside over business meetings of the center committee.
Notify the vice-chair of any proposed absence from a meeting by the chair.
Arrange for conducting and presiding at the center's monthly judging sessions.
Approve, at least four months in advance, dates and application for an affiliate’s show or event for which AOS-sanctioned judging is requested. When an affiliate requests approval with less than 4 months advance notice, the center chair may grant approval if the entire application is in order and the required fees have been paid.
Be responsible for certifying the accuracy of entry forms and ensuring the submission of AOS awards, including accurate data entry, and uploading of award images, to the AOS no later than 60 days from the date of judging.
Be responsible for ensuring compliance with the photographic process of awarded plants and the delivery of award images.
Appoint a secretary and a treasurer for the center committee.
Appoint, at their discretion, any committees necessary to aid in the administration of the center and the rules and responsibilities outlined in the Handbook.
Be responsible for annually notifying all judging personnel within their center of the judge’s responsibility to maintain continuous membership in the AOS.
Appoint an Education Coordinator. Removal of the Center Chair
In the event a center chair does not comply with the requirements of this Handbook and specifically paragraph 3.2.1, the Chair of the Judging Committee will place an item on the agenda for the next scheduled Judging Committee meeting to review the performance of the center chair. The chair in question will be invited to present their case or mitigating circumstances to the Judging Committee. After review, should the majority of the Judging Committee members, via secret ballot, determine that the center chair in question is in non-compliance, then a recommendation to the Trustees will be made to remove the center chair.
3.2.2 First Vice-Chair
The first vice-chair, elected by the center committee and confirmed by the trustees, assumes the duties of the chair in the chair's absence and performs such other duties as may be assigned by the chair. The first vice-chair represents the center at meetings of the JC in the event the center chair cannot attend. Temporary Chair
In the absence of both the chair and first vice-chair, an accredited judge will be elected as temporary chair by the certified judges present.
3.2.3 Additional Vice-Chairs
In centers having additional judging sites, vice-chairs will be elected by the center committee and designated as chairs and vice-chairs of judging for those sites other than that for which the judging center chair assumes responsibility. They will be confirmed by the Trustees and are responsible for the operation of their designated sites and such other activities as may be assigned to those sites by their center committees.
3.2.4 Secretary
The secretary, appointed by the chair keeps minutes of all business meetings and sends copies of same to all judges serving the center. Such minutes record all votes and recommendations. The secretary sends notices of meetings and undertakes such correspondence as the chair may require. This position may be combined with that of treasurer.
3.2.5 Treasurer
The treasurer, appointed by the chair, keeps records of all receipts and disbursements of funds of the center. This position may be combined with that of secretary.
3.2.6 Education Coordinator
The education coordinator, an accredited judge appointed by the chair, is responsible for coordinating educational activities for all judges within a center in accordance with paragraph 4.7.2, Judges Education. Educational activities will be in accordance with, but not limited to, directives of the national education coordinator. The education coordinator will encourage active participation of all judges serving the center. Additional education coordinators may be appointed for additional judging sites.
3.2.7 Photographer
Appointed by the chair, the photographer takes digital images of awarded flowers and plants as specified in the requirements in paragraph 5.5.3(3). More than one photographer may be appointed.
3.3 Meetings
Regular monthly meetings will be scheduled for the judging of orchid plants and flowers; the dates of these meetings are published on the AOS website. Once the dates are published, the Center Chair will notify the Chair of the JC if the need arises to change the date, venue, or both, so that the web site reflects current, accurate information.
Centers reporting changes in venue to the Judging Committee Chair must indicate whether the change concerns establishment of a new judging center (see 3.5), additional judging sites ( relocations (3.6), as well as reporting the date(s) of the event(s) at the changed site.
The agenda at these meetings may also include discussion of judging procedures and problems, review of minutes of meetings of the JC, viewing images of recent awards from other centers, and such other educational activities as the judging center committee may determine. However, no formal action may be taken on matters pertaining to the status of judges, recommendations to the JC, or other substantive matters which are reserved for duly called business meetings.
3.3.1 Business Meetings
Each Judging Center Committee will hold a minimum of two business meetings per calendar year.
- Meetings can be conducted in person or by virtual means (by tele- or video- conferencing or a hybrid mode of the two). If meetings are held virtually, voting, as described in must be conducted:
- using a software platform which must support the use of secret balloting, or
- by private mail or private chat notification to a delegated judge who tallies/releases the results (keeping individual votes in confidence).
- Meetings can be conducted in person or by virtual means (by tele- or video- conferencing or a hybrid mode of the two). If meetings are held virtually, voting, as described in must be conducted:
The Judging Center Committee will hold a business meeting sufficiently in advance of each of the fall and spring meetings of the Board of Trustees to permit the minutes to reach the Chair of the Judging Committee no later than seven days prior to the BOT meeting. At this business meeting, the judging center committee will:
- elect officers for the ensuing calendar year (subject to confirmation by the Board of Trustees).
- review and record in the minutes the individual attendance records of each judge at judging sessions, shows, events, business meetings and educational activities during the preceding year,
- consider new candidates for judge and other personnel matters, and
- conduct such other business as may properly come before the meeting.
Any certified judge who has not attended the minimum number of judgings and 12-hours of education during the preceding calendar-year will be denied voting privileges on any matter at that business meeting.
A chair may not exclude a fully accredited judge from attending the personnel section of a center's business meeting, but a visiting judge may not join into the discussion unless invited to do so by the chair.
At least one other business meeting will be held each year early enough to permit the minutes of the meeting to reach the chair of JC at least 30 days prior to the spring meeting of the Board of Trustees. The agenda will include any item appropriate to the annual meeting except that officers need not be elected except to fill vacancies. If the center has additional judging sites, one of the business meetings should be held at one of those locations. Additional business meetings may be called at the discretion of the judging center chair.
Personnel recommendations once taken by a Judging Center, after securing a majority vote by email from the Judging Center Committee, may be taken to the next Board of Trustees meeting by the JC chair for action/decision. Notice of Meeting and Requirements for Quorums and Passing of Motions
Written notice or an email notice of a business meeting will be sent to all members of the judging center committee at least 10 days prior to the meeting.
Determination of Voting Rights
- Judges with voting rights
- All certified judges in good standing are eligible to vote on general business matters of the center.
- Only accredited judges in good standing are eligible to vote on personnel matters.
- Judges without voting rights include:
- Senior judges (except as noted in 4.2.4),
- Emeritus judges (except those who have fulfilled all attendance requirements for certified judges, as noted in 4.2.5),
- Judges on a leave-of-absence,
- Judges who have returned from a leave-of-absence of more than one year,
- Judges under suspension,
- Judges who have not fulfilled all attendance and education requirements during the prior calendar year, and
- For one year from the date of transfer (date approved by the trustees) judges who have transferred between centers.
- Abstentions and ballots invalidly cast will not be counted either for or against a motion, or for determining the total number of votes cast.
- Judges with voting rights
Definition of Quorums
- Only judges with voting rights will be counted in determining quorums or in calculating the results of votes.
- A quorum for general business, including the election of the center chair and vice-chair, consists of more than 50 percent of the certified judges of the center who have voting rights. Passage of motions for general business requires a simple majority vote.
- A quorum for personnel business consists of more than 50 percent of the accredited judges of the center who have voting rights.
- The appointment or termination of student judges requires a simple majority vote.
- The approval of all other personnel matters involving a change in judges’ status requires a two-thirds majority vote. Additionally, the vote must represent a simple majority of all of the accredited judges with voting rights at the center. Voting Procedures
Voting on the election of the center chair and vice-chair will be by secret ballot except that when a single candidate for an office is nominated, a motion to elect by acclamation is acceptable.
Voting on all other matters affecting the status of judges will be by secret ballot.
Judges with a conflict of interest must abstain from the discussion and from voting on the matter involving their conflict of interest.
Senior judges, emeritus judges and judges on leave may participate in all discussions but will abstain on those issues on which they have a conflict of interest.
The chair or a majority of the voting assembly may call upon any judge to give their comments on any issue.
The numbers of abstentions and invalidly marked ballots will be announced when the results of the vote are reported. No absentee or proxy voting will be allowed. Minutes
Written minutes will be prepared to record actions taken at all business and personnel meetings. The following items must be recorded:
- The names of the judges present, as well as their eligibility to vote.
- The establishment of quorum numbers, and certification by the center committee chair of quorum being met.
- The number of affirmative, negative, and abstaining votes related to each action of the judging center committee.
Copies of the minutes detailing actions on personnel matters will only be shared with the accredited members of the judging center committee and the JC chair.
A copy of the minutes will be forwarded to the chair of the JC by the judging center chair no less than 30 days prior to the Trustees meeting so that personnel recommendations and other items of business may be included on the agenda for the next meeting of the JC.
3.4 Qualifications and Terms of Office
Only accredited or emeritus judges are eligible for election as chair, first vice-chair, and vice-chairs. When they have served effectively, additional terms of service are desirable; however, the judging center chair may not serve more than five years without waiting a minimum of two years before being eligible for re-election.
Other officers are eligible for service without limit on the number of terms served.
3.5 Establishment of New Judging Centers
A new judging center may be established only when the following conditions are met:
There must be convincing evidence that the establishment of a new judging center will improve service to the orchid growers in the area.
There must be a sufficient number of certified judges willing to serve the proposed center to ensure the proper conduct of judging activities.
The establishment of a new center will not have any serious adverse effect upon existing centers.
There will be sufficient plant material of potential award quality and a sufficient number of exhibitors to warrant providing AOS judging.
The Affiliated Societies in the area to be served must be willing to provide financial and administrative support for the operation of the proposed center.
3.5.1 Procedures for Establishment
Application for the establishment of a new judging center will follow these procedures:
A sponsoring group, including one or more Affiliated Societies, will make application in writing to the chair of the JC, with copies of the application to the chairs of any judging centers affected by the change.
The following documentation will accompany the application:
- A letter typed on the letterhead of the sponsoring society, signed by the chief executive officer, indicating that the request for the new center has been approved by a vote of the membership.
- Letters of approval and promised support from the judges willing to serve the proposed center.
- Names of proposed officers for the center.
- Details on the site of the proposed center, including accessibility, facilities, methods of financing, etc.
- Proposed dates and time of judging.
- An analysis of the AOS membership that the new center would serve.
- The proposed starting date, which must be at least six months following the date of application.
- Such other information as may be pertinent.
Any AOS trustee in the area will be fully informed of the interest in and the developments behind the application so that the trustee may offer additional information to the JC and the Board of Trustees.
The application will be carefully considered by the JC, which will seek the opinions of the center committees primarily concerned with the application and will take such steps as it deems necessary to acquire additional information needed to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees.
If approved by the Board of Trustees, the new center will be authorized to operate on a six-month trial basis, after which its performance will be reviewed by the JC. If found satisfactory, the JC will recommend the new center continue to operate on a trial basis for an additional 12-month period, after which it will again be reviewed before being placed on permanent status.
3.5.2 Additional Judging Sites*
Additional judging sites may be established by the Board of Trustees as branch sites to provide additional sources of judging service.
Procedure for establishment of such sites is the same as for establishment of new judging centers.
In addition, the proposal must pass by a two-thirds vote of the judges within the proposed additional site as well as by a majority vote of the entire center committee.
Vice-chairs will be elected by the center committee and designated as chair and vice-chair of the sites other than that for which the center chair assumes responsibility. They will be responsible for the operation of their designated sites and other activities as may be assigned by the center committee.
Additional sites may be granted full judging center status by meeting the following conditions:
- The additional site must have been in continuous operation for at least one year after having been placed on permanent additional status.
- At least two-thirds of the certified judges serving in the additional site must approve, by a secret ballot, the request for change to full judging center status.
- Application for change to full judging center status will be made in writing to the chair of the JC with copies to the chair of the center where the additional site is located and the chairs of any other additional sites of the parent center. This application will contain the result of the vote of the certified judges serving in the additional site, the proposed name of the new center and the Affiliated Societies willing to support and be served by the new center. The JC must approve the application for recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
- If approved by the Board of Trustees, the additional site will begin operation as an independent center on January 1 of the year following the approval by the trustees.
*Note: Since the Trustees recognized the Northeast Judging Center and the Florida North Central Judging Center as centers with extra judging sites and dates prior to implementation of these Handbook changes, these Centers will continue to be accepted as currently defined and will be exempt from these changes.
3.6 Criteria for Relocation of a Judging Center
There must be convincing evidence that the present judging centers cannot adequately serve the needs of the orchid growers in the area.
There must be a sufficient number of certified judges willing to serve the proposed center to ensure the proper conduct of judging activity.
With the exception of the center being relocated, such relocation will not have any adverse effect upon other existing centers.
There should be sufficient plant material of potential award quality and sufficient number of exhibitors to warrant relocating the center.
The Affiliated Societies in the area to be served must be willing to provide financial and administrative support for the operation of the proposed center.
A request by a majority of the certified judges at the involved center, recommendation by the JC and approval by the AOS Board of Trustees are necessary for relocation.
If approved by the AOS Board of Trustees, the new center will be authorized to operate on a six- month trial basis, after which its performance will be reviewed by the JC. If found satisfactory, the JC will recommend its continuance for an additional 12-month period after which it will again be reviewed before being granted permanent status.
3.7 Criteria for the Probation or Dissolution of a Judging Center:
A Center may be placed on probation for a period of time or dissolved for either of the following reasons at the discretion of the JC and Trustees:
- Withdrawal of sponsorship by Affiliated Societies and inability to obtain new sponsorship.
- Failure to fulfill the obligations and responsibilities of a judging center described in paragraphs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 of the Handbook.
The JC, by a two-thirds vote, or the JC chair upon approval by the AOS president, may place a judging center on probationary status for a period of time to be determined by the JC.
The chair of the JC will notify the chair of the center in question in writing, citing the reasons for, and the duration of, the probation.
During the probationary period, the center will have an opportunity to appeal or correct its deficiencies.
- To return to good standing, the center must document that the deficiencies noted by the JC have been addressed and/or corrected. Documentation must be provided in the format required by the original notification from the chair of the JC.
- Failure to correct the deficiencies within the prescribed time constitutes grounds for dissolution of the center.
A vote to return a judging center to good standing requires the concurrence of two-thirds of the members of the JC voting and a majority vote of the AOS Board of Trustees.
Dissolution requires either the concurrence of two-thirds of the members of the JC voting and a majority vote of the AOS Board of Trustees, or a request for dissolution by two-thirds of the certified judges at the involved center plus the concurrence of a majority of the JC and the AOS Board of Trustees.
3.8 Center Representation at the JC
Representation of a center at the JC is vital to the administration of the judging system. All centers will be represented by their chair (or vice-chair as alternate) at each JC meeting.
The center's representative must vote in a manner that he or she believes reflects the opinions of a majority of the judges of their center. Any comments or discussion at the JC meeting by the center's representative which do not reflect such an opinion must be so identified.
If both the chair and vice-chair are unable to attend, an accredited judge of the center, appointed by the chair to represent the wishes of the center, will serve as the center's voting alternate.
If a center is not represented by its chair, vice-chair, or appointed alternate at two consecutive JC meetings and the absences are not excused; the center will forfeit its representation until such time as a new chair is elected.
3.9 Judging Centers and Affiliated Societies
Affiliated Societies in the area served by a judging center must provide financial and administrative support for the operation of the center.
AOS approval of judging at shows, events, or as outreach (both domestic and international) must be obtained from the society's center.
Affiliated Societies may change the center serving them by proposing a transfer to and being approved by the chair of the new center, and notification of the former center. If the new center's chair disapproves, the decision may be appealed to the JC.
New societies requesting affiliation with the AOS will indicate the judging center they intend to support and be served by in their application for affiliation.
Affiliated societies may provide financial and administrative support for more than one center. In such instances, co-center support of AOS sanctioned shows would be possible.

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